The Species of Ceal

Ceal is home to eight different sentient species - collectively known as the Cemarelij - each of which has built civilizations of their own. The biggest physical differences are between the two four-pawed species, known as the Lyerelij, and the six two-legged species which are called Retafilij.

However, this fact does not automatically make members of one group allies, nor does it mean that the two groups are antagonized. In fact, some of the most bloody conflicts in the history of Ceal have been fought solely amongst the Retafilij species, while the most stable and peaceful regions of the world a characterized by a peaceful coexistence of Lyerelij and Retafilij...

For more detail, check out Species on the wiki.



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Small but ancient sentient dracoforms

The Dragons are the oldest Cemarelij species of Ceal, which also makes them the oldest Lyerelij species, as well as the first Original Species. Their species is attuned to the thirteen elements of Ceal, and has developed into an equal variety of races, each looking distinctly different from one another. Nonetheless, they are one species and one heart, and cooperate happily with one another, as well as with other species.

For more detail, check out Dragons on the wiki.



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Cheerful and energetic flyers

The Gryphs are an energetic and short-lived Cemarelij species, as well as the second Lyerelij and Original Species of Ceal. As such, they live their lives to the fullest, savoring every moment, not wasting any opportunities, and ever-curious for new things to experience and learn. They are without a doubt the most skilled fliers on Ceal, easily surpassing even the Dragons. They love to play with each other and also members of other species, but when the going gets tough, they are reliable allies, and fearsome foes.

For more detail, check out Gryphs on the wiki.



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Harmonious bipedal dracoforms

The Draykin are a species as diverse as their Dragon ancestors. They are an Original Species and a Cemarelij species devoted to the preservation of nature and are adapt at utilizing Iserialogy to manipulate plants in amazing ways. The Draykin are wise and patient, and many great sages were born of this old race. The harmony of all living things is their supreme goal.

For more detail, check out Drykin on the wiki.



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Coactive animal people

The Wel are the most diverse species of Ceal, featuring a large number of races. With former predators and prey all in one species, one would expect much internal conflict and discrimination. However, somehow the Wel are all connected by an empathic sense of kinship, that makes them work together all the better. Each race has their own individual strengths, and it is by combining these myriad of strengths that makes the Wel into a species of formidable team players.

For more detail, check out Wel on the wiki.



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Diligent and determined workers

A Retafilij species, the Nefilim may lack the defining characteristics of other species, but they make up for it with hard work. It is said that if a Nefilim sets his or her mind on something, it's only a matter of time until he or she succeeds. Due to their adaptability, Nefilim can be found in almost any profession. Scholars, warriors, farmers, merchants, Iserialogists... somewhere on Ceal, there’ll be a Nefilim in that line of work.

For more detail, check out Nefilim on the wiki.



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Diginified winged sages

A species of Retafilij, Seraph are the only Cemarelij species other than Gryphs all members of which have wings. They may not be quite as good fliers, but in exchange, they are incredibly smart, and reasonably charismatic, traits which help them acquire leading positions wherever they venture.

For more detail, check out Seraph on the wiki.



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Wild shapeshifters

A Cemarelij species of half-beast-people, the Celinne resemble Nefilim sporting the tails, claws, ears and eyes of the Fatikelij aspect associated with their respective tribe. They have the ability to shapeshift into Lyerelij resembling these Fatikelij. The size of these Lyerelo-morphs still roughly resembles their size in Retafilo-morph.

For more detail, check out Celinne on the wiki.



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Childlike Iserialogists

A species of Retafilij, the Sprites are the Cemarelij species with the highest affinity for Iserialogy. They resemble Nefilim children of various ages, but can easily be told apart by their tail, long manes of hair, and their inherent ability to levitate. No matter how old they become, they retain a childish nature through their lives and are usually quite impulsive. Being almost completely Iserial Creatures, their mastery of Iserialogy is second to none.

For more detail, check out Sprites on the wiki.
