The World of Ceal

Ceal is a fertile planet with sprawling plains, lush forests, wide oceans, scorching deserts, majestic mountains, and much more. Plants and animals flourish here, and all things considered, it is a wonderful world.

A map of the world of Ceal

For more detail, check out Ceal on the wiki.


Continents & Archipelagoes

A picture of the continent of Rida


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The continent of contrasts

This continent can be roughly divided into four parts: South Rida, Central Rida, the extensive Stiuraj Mountain Range in the north, and the Makariba subcontinent to the east. The climate of this continent ranges from tropical to temperate.

For more detail, check out Rida on the wiki.



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The steppe continent

Located in the subtropical arid belt, a big portion of Pelagia is covered by the Ungani Savannah, which in turn encompasses stretches of deserts and steppes alike. At its northwestern tip, the climate gradually becomes more temperate, and the Ungani gradually fades into the Passhar Forest. Likewise, on its northeastern tip, it fades into the Nissem Woods.

For more detail, check out Pelagia on the wiki.

A picture of the continent of Pelagia
A picture of the Jel-Archipelago


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The shattered continent

A continental archipelago containing two continents and one of the major island archipelagoes of Ceal. Composed of the continents Jelkyera in the west, Jeljelra in the east, and the Jelkekeyra Archipelago, this continent has the longest combined coastline on all of Ceal. Jejelra is almost completely covered by the Jelra Forest, which features mighty redwood trees. Jelkyera on the other hand is a more diverse land, with steppes and deserts to the south, forests and plains at its center, and taiga and tundra to the north.

For more detail, check out the Jel-Archipelago on the wiki.



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The sanctuary continent

Of all the places on Ceal, this is the one where all Cemarelij seem to get along with one another. The continent itself is almost completely covered by the massive Ukugob Jungle, harboring the massive steppe highlands of Boma Irieyra and Ihsoti Kleira in its midst. Towering over Ihsoti Kleira stands Mungaaekrestro, the biggest volcano on Ceal. The southwestern tip of Ventana is covered by the extensive marsh of Magure Hekifra, also known as the mangrove swamp.

For more detail, check out Ventana on the wiki.

A picture of the continent of Ventana
A picture of the continent of Eknaria


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The mountain continent

Steep cliffs surround the peaks and valleys of Eknaria on all sides, making it almost completely impossible to access without the capability of flight. As such, this continent has always been a paradise for airborne species, especially the Gryphs. Beyond the ring of mountains surrounding the continent lie several temperate to boreal valleys, along with a few bigger forests and more internal mountain ranges.

For more detail, check out Eknaria on the wiki.



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The frozen continent

Stretching all the way to the south pole, Ultros is the most frigid place on Ceal. Most of it is covered by the Keysire Tundra and the Nebeiris Taiga. Only to the very north is there a narrow stretch of temperate land: The Traybo Plains bordering the Nilkijelzystra Forest. Yet despite the harsh conditions, there are still people who fondly call this hostile place their home.

For more detail, check out Ultros on the wiki.

A picture of the continent of Ultros
A picture of the Asuar Ridge

Asuar Ridge

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The dividing islands

A notable archipelago of Ceal, stretching part of the way between the continents of Ultros and Ventana. A chain of volcanic islands separating the Yaeresic Ocean from the Zural Ocean. They mostly consist of untamed wilderness, and many of the smaller islands are barren and dry. Being home to many fierce beasts, this is a corner of Ceal as of yet unclaimed by civilization. However, every once and so often brave adventurers make their way into this feral corner of the world, setting up temporary communes.

For more detail, check out the Asuar Ridge on the wiki.


Zodiac Isles

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The transient archipelago

Located in the middle of the Yaeresic Ocean, these tropical islands are a haven for all sorts of life. They are also a very volatile place, full of volcanoes and earthquakes. More than once has an island disappeared from the map, only to be replaced with another one growing somewhere else. As a consequence, people who live in this land must be ready to move at a moment’s notice, should the need arise, and while it is a beautiful place to live in, it is also one of the most dangerous places on Ceal. No one rules here but mother nature.

For more detail, check out the Zodiac Isles on the wiki.

A picture of the continent of the Zodiac Isles
A picture of the continent of Zelsia


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The cursed continent

Almost perfectly round, this continent seems to defy nature in every way. Around the highly symmetric Netal Mountains grows the Arc Forest, uniformly for almost the same distance in each direction, before giving way to the Radia Plains.

For more detail, check out Zelsia on the wiki.