Ceal is a world of ancient make, with thousands of years of history, and a correspondingly large number of tales to tell. Some of those tales, however, are of particular interest, since they decided not only over the fate of villages or nations, but of entire continents, races, or even the whole world.
This is a short overview of some of the epic tales which have taken place in the history of Ceal.
For more detail, check out the History of Ceal on the wiki.
The Rule of Might Chronicle tells the story of the Ascension Event, the birth of the Wel into an already occupied world, and the resulting Genocide War.
For more detail, check out the Rule of Might Chronicle on the wiki.
The Shining Rays Chronicle is tells the story of the Rediscovery of Iserialogy, the Four Great Wel Nations, and the Iserial War.
For more detail, check out the Shining Rays Chronicle on the wiki.
The Advent War Chronicle tells to story of the Advent of Nova, the creation of the Novean Species and the First Novean War.
For more detail, check out the Advent War Chronicle on the wiki.
The Crystal Seal Chronicle tells the story of the heroine Sylvia Zerin and her friends, the search for the Crystal Shards and reassembly of the eponymous Crystal Seal, the liberation of the Goddess Nova, and the ensuing Second Novean War.
For more detail, check out the Crystal Seal Chronicle on the wiki.